Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Foods Need Limiting or Avoiding?

Fatty Food:
Fast Food: (McDonalds, Burger King, Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, etc.)
Fast food contains high amount of fat, hydrogenated oil (trans fat), and saturated fat.

Ex. A Big Mac Burger from McDonalds contains 32.5 g of fat which is 50% of your recommended daily intake for a 2000calorie diet.

Consuming high amounts of fats can lead to obesity and heart related problems. In a recent study by the NIH (National Institution of Health) found that children who ate fast food twice a week or more were an average of 10 pounds heavier than
the children who ate fast food once or less a week by age 15. “Obesity and diabetes are on the rise in this country and this important study highlights the value of healthy eating habits,” said NHLBI Director Barbara Alving.

Soda and Sweet Drinks
-Soda provides the human body with empty calories (calories with no nutrients which usually turn into fat)
-Studies have indicated that drinking soda can lead to low bone marrow density or Osteoporosis, this is from high acidity in sodas
- Sodas have an acid pH level of 2.5 on a scale of 0-14 with 0 being the highest and 14 being the least acidic of liquids
-Added sugar to the diet which exceed the recommended daily intake
-Highly increases chances of getting type 2 diabetes
-Increases level of urinary magnesium, citrateand oxalate levels in the human body.
-Increases chances of the development of a kidney stone.
-Contains artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, Acesulfame K and Sucralose
-Research has shown that these artificial sweeteners can cause brain tumors, sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer's, Parkinson disease, mental retardation, birth defects, lymphoma, Fibromyalgia, migranes, skin rash, cancer, kidney defects, liver defects, visual defects, etc.
-Sodas contain a high levels of caffeine which can cause high blood pressure, gastrointestinal, dehydration, irregular heart beat, etc.
-Drinking soda is bad for your teeth because it erodes dental enamel

Table Showing Average Soda Nutrient Value

Foods High Sodium
Foods such as caned soup, bacon, baked beans, corned beef, salami and sausage are high in sodium. Sodium can result in your heart having to work harder, increasing your blood pressure.

Foods with Hydrogenated Fats
Hydrogenated fat is a man made fat where they take natural oils such as vegetable oil and restructure it chemically to become more like saturated fat.

To Much of Any One Food
Eating to much of one type of can give you to much of one nutrient and can deprive you of others you would get from eating a variety of food. For example eating a reasonable amount of soy beans can lower your cholesterol and lower your chances of certain types of cancer; however eating to many soy beans for example can increase your estrogen levels which can cause serious side effects.


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