Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to calculate the caloric requirement for teens

What is a Calorie?

A calorie is a measure of energy. A calorie is measured by how much energy it takes to heat up one gram of water one degree Celsius. When one refers to a calorie, food wise (i.e. this bread has Z amount of calories), they are referring to kilo-calories. One kilo-calorie is 1000 calories, so in actuality, this person is talking about 1000 x Z calories.

How do you determine caloric requirement?

Common misconception is that one's caloric requirement is found through age, weight, and height. As those are contributing factors, there are many more variables. A big variable is the amount of activity that one partakes in through the course of one day. One who has the same height, age, and weight as someone else, but they do sports would need more calories than the other person. Your caloric requirement (unless in some special cases) should not be calculated based on desire to lose weight or gain weight.


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